School Information

Ridge Elementary

School Address:   
800 Warrior Ave,  Warrenton, MO 63383 
School phone:      636-456-6906.  School fax:  636-456-6992

Warrior Ridge Elementary school hours:
7:40 AM-3:15 PM

To report a student absence:
   Call 636-456-6906 

Important Reminders:
If you wish to change your child's dismissal routine, you must send a note with your child that day and have it taken to the principal's office. Please call the office in case of an emergency change of dismissal routine before 1:00 pm.

If there is a change in address,home,or work phone numbers, or any other pertinent information, please call the Warrior Ridge Elementary office at 636-456-6906 or have your child pick up a demographic sheet in the office.

For school cancellations,please listen to the radio stations of KWRE, KFAV, KSLQ, KLPW, KMCR, KMOX. School closings will also be on television on channel 8, 13, 2, 4 and/or 5(St. Louis, Columbia, and Jefferson City channels).


Warrior Ridge Elementary

Drop-off and Pick-Up Procedures

  • Parents will enter the main entrance parking lot at Warrior Ridge Elementary from Warrior Avenue and proceed around the circle drive to the front of the building. For the safety of our children, children should exit the vehicle next to the sidewalk from the passenger side of the vehicle. For the safety of our parents, parents should remain in their vehicle, staff will assist children out of the vehicle. Parking spots are available for any student who needs additional time or parent assistance exiting the car.  Please utilize designated crosswalks when crossing the parking lot.  Students must be accompanied by an adult when crossing the parking lot.  Parking spots should be utilized when visiting the building, please do not park along the sidewalks.
  • If you need to enter the building to speak with office staff, please utilize the parking spaces provided in the main entrance parking lot. For your safety, use the designated crosswalks. 
  • Youth In Need Preschool Program will enter the lower lot by door 100. Parents are required to walk their child to meet the preschool teacher. 
  • Doors open at 7:00 AM.  If you need earlier arrangements for our student we encourage you to check out our Latchkey program.  
  • Instruction begins promptly at 7:40, if your student arrives after 7:40, a parent/guardian must walk them into the building.  Students who arrive after 7:40 will be marked tardy.  

Afternoon Pick-up:

  • Please follow the same procedure for picking up your child as you do when you drop off your child in the morning.  For your safety, parents, please remain in your vehicles and staff will assist children to your vehicle.
  • Parents/guardians will be given “Pick Up Authorization Cards” to place on the front passenger side dashboard of your vehicle.  Having this card visible to our staff will help us greatly in ensuring our procedures move quickly.  
  • School ends at 3:15.  Our pick up time ends at 3:45, if you need arrangements for your students after 3:45, please consider using our Latchkey services.  
Directions to Warrior Ridge Elementary

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