Hello, I am Jeanne Hilgert and I am your Warrior Ridge Elementary nurse. If you need to contact me, please feel free to click on my name for my email address or call me at 636-456-4311 ext. 6325 or 456-6906. Office hours are 7:15 a.m. until 3:15 p.m. Tuesday through Friday during the school year.
When should a student stay home from school?
It is very important that we prevent the spread of communicable diseases. Before returning to school:
- Students should be fever free for 24 hours (temperature less than 100 degrees) for 24 hours without the use of fever reducing medications (Tylenol and/or Ibuprofen).
- Students should be free of continuous coughing.
- Students should remain at home until 24 hours after the last episode of vomiting and/or diarrhea.
- Student should remain home for 24 hours after taking the first dose of antibiotic for an infection.
- Students should remain home if they have live head lice.
According to Missouri State Law (law 167.191), it is unlawful for any child to attend any public schools in this state while afflicted with any contagious or infectious disease, or while liable to transmit such a disease after having been exposed to it.
Because of all the infectious disease germs around us, it is particularly important to practice good hygiene, such as hand washing, and to not eat or drink after each other.
The link below is the current school immunization requirements for the state of Missouri.
Immunizations are available through your private doctor, local resources, and the Warren County Health Department.
Warren County Health Department
101 Mockingbird Lane
Suite 100
Warrenton, MO 63383
Hours: Monday through Friday 8:00 a.m. – 4:30 p.m.
A parent or legal guardian must accompany the child to the Warren County Health Department to sign the permission form for the immunizations. In the event a parent or legal guardian cannot be present, please call the Warren County Health Department at 636-456-7474. You must also take your child’s updated immunization record with you to your appointment. Employment and services are provided on a non-discriminatory basis.
Medication Policy
Medication Administration in the School Setting
The Health Services Department of the Warren County R-III School district is dedicated to providing the most appropriate services to the students of the district. Many students are able to attend school because of the effective use of medications in the treatment of illnesses and disabilities. Some medication regimens necessitate the administration of medication during school hours. Safe and effective administration of medication, therefore, requires adherence to a policy.
Prescription and “over-the-counter” medication will be given by school personnel. It should not be necessary to give more than one dose of medication per day during a six-hour school day. Most medication schedules can be arranged so that all doses of medication are taken at home. Exceptions can be arranged with the school nurse.
The district may administer over-the-counter medication to a student upon receipt of a written request and permission to do so by a parent/guardian. The district will provide Tums or generic substitute and cough drops upon written permission or online form filled out by a parent/guardian. The district will also provide Advil or generic substitute and Tylenol or generic substitute, upon written permission or online form filled out by a parent/guardian up to six (6) doses total per semester for students in Kindergarten through 5th grade and up to twelve (12) doses total per semester for students in 6th through 12th grades. Further dosage will only occur with written doctor’s permission. Please note that the summer school dosage is only up to four (4) doses total during the complete summer school period for all students.
All medication, prescription and over-the-counter, must be dropped off or picked up by a parent or guardian in the prescription bottle or the manufacturer’s original packaging and will only be administered in accordance with the label. Students, by Warren County School District policy, are not allowed to carry any medication (with the exception of inhalers and/or epi-pens with prior authorization from the nurse). Unauthorized medication will be reported to school administrators and parents/guardians.
- Signed, written permission from parent or guardian for the medication to be given.
- Medication must have a pharmaceutical label with (1) child’s name, (2) name of medication and instructions such as dosage, time, etc., (3) name of doctor prescribing the medication, and (4) a current date. Your pharmacist can give you an extra labeled bottle to use for medication to be given at school.
- Students who require emergency medication for bee stings, food allergies, or asthma, should have their medication properly labeled as described above. Specific written instructions must be provided as to when and under what circumstances medication is to be given. THIS INFORMATION MUST BE PROVIDED AND SIGNED BY THE STUDENT’S DOCTOR ANNUALLY. Physicians who have educated their patients about their condition, medication and the use of it, may sign a medication authorization for self-administration of the medication. Then students will be allowed to carry and administer their medication.
- The nurse may ask you to provide a doctor or health care provider’s written statement that administration of medication by a school employee is necessary. The statement would need to include the name of the medication, amount to be given, time that medication is to be given, possible adverse reactions and expected effects on learning.
Medication Authorization Form
Form on page 1 - Please only use this form if you did not complete the online medication form or need to make changes to the medications you selected on the online form.
Form on page 2 - Please only use this form if you completed the online medication form and need to add prescription or over-the-counter medications to be given at school.
Head Lice Information
In keeping with the Warren County R-III School District’s policy of avoiding the unnecessary exclusion of students from school, the district will not exclude otherwise healthy students from school due to nit infestations. Students with head lice infestations will be excluded from school only to the minimum extent necessary for treatment. To avoid the unnecessary exclusion of students from school, the administration provides the following procedure:
- Schools will not perform routine school-wide head lice screenings. However, should multiple cases be reported, the nurse will identify the population of students most likely to have been exposed and arrange to have that population of students examined.
- If the school nurse or teacher discovers head lice or nits on a student, the parent/guardian of that student will be notified, and other students who reside with the affected student will also be checked.
More Information on Head Lice